
IBE® Certified Stories > Renee McNally

Renee McNally


Platform artist

Regional educator

How IBE® Will Change Your Career

Becoming certified with IBE® will not only give you the knowledge to create HEALTHY, gorgeous extensions for your guests, but the income opportunity you will have when adding this service is incredible. It can allow you the ability to completely change how you run your business, working less hours while bringing in a significant increase in income.

How IBE® Helped My Clients

IBE® has allowed my guests natural hair to thrive. With such a healthy method of installation, focusing on hair and scalp health, and minimal points of contact, it allows the clients own hair to grow and get healthier. They are discreet, comfortable, and natural looking giving the client beautiful hair and easier maintenance.

My IBE® Mentor Experience

Having a IBE® mentor to work one-on-one with gives you a really customized experience vs taking a one-day class, or watching a video but having no one to get feedback from. You have the support you need so you can fully understand the method. It allows you to ask any question you need help with so you can be confident when installing on clients.